Consider that Grace alone does not move anyone. It does nothing unless it is activated by our faith in Christ. Grace is God's provision paid for in Christ's reconciliation. Faith is us agreeing as a believer to possess the fruit of salvation! Instant salvation as we accept God's gift in Jesus Christ! God provided for all mankind equally but each of us must accept His provision to become a New Creation in Christ!
This highlights God's gift of "freewill" to every man as His greatest gift. We are not forced to know Him, we are invited to join Him in a new creation forever.
I believe it is God's grace that reveals His great love for us and in a moment our personal faith becomes alive in that revelation! Because scripture says that our "faith works by love."
When the grace of God and the love of God move on someone, then each one has a divine love birthed in them for Jesus Christ. The miracle start of the New Creation Man in every born again Christian.
In one sense there is nothing in the universe that is not made of and for God. But God uniquely gave all mankind an independent free will. He did not want a slave or a robot wife. He wanted people who would choose Him freely. Only that would make a real and everlasting marriage. So He made man in His own image and likeness and then started a romance with them. So now we are saved by (His) grace empowerment through (our) believing faith!
The problem for mere religion is that God killed both Jew and Gentile on the cross of Christ. All were killed and now only the believers in Christ are raised with Him. So there is now only One New Creation man in the bible. In this age God is not a nationalist at all. According to Hebrews only a Born Again Christian is a true Spiritual Israelite! He has summed up all things in a simplicity of devotion to Christ message called the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Keep studying my friends we all have much to learn and share with each other! Just rhetoric is not the answer. A real relationship is needed! BTW Things are changing fast for the good so everyday we must align with Christ alone as our only real Head and Husband!
I teach to reveal the New Covenant truth from Acts 2 to Jude in the bible collection of books. I have seen people playing raiders of the lost ark searching for clues in the six Old Covenant contracts with man. To me that just reveals our ignorance of who Jesus Christ really is and of what exactly He has already done for us!
What kind of salvation do we have if we don't study our now marriage Covenant with God? That would literally only be from Acts 2 to Jude! If we try to enforce the wrong covenants with God are going to change His mind or twist His arm? This arrogance and deception is rampant in todays bible babble church systems! All bible knowledge is good and in context we can always draw from what we have learned from them. But we must make sure we have not shifted the cart before the horse and confused the simple message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Misinformation is a twisting of scripture not a refusal of it.
Just try for one month to study from Acts 2 to Jude. I promise you that you will never look back once you see how much you grow in real relationship and trusting Him personally with your life. It is a joy to learn actually what covenant you are in and to understand the promises that you're living in! It is the keeping alive of the wrong covenants that have been choking out your real marriage to God in Christ Jesus today.
The bible is real in context. All I am talking about is learning the New Covenant that was written to you and for you as a Christian.
Mere religion hates the truth of Christ today. Relationship will always prevail. Keep learning and growing saints. He loves us so!
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